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ELINE some personal photos and graphics of mine.
James Karanikolaou
The Cold War is over.
Things have heated up just a bit.
Microsoft Windows
Time to upgrade. Call us for special pricing for all software product upgrades.
Apple Macintosh
We work with all types of products from Apple and have a large amount of surplus equipment for sale.
Earth from space
Look at the image of the north polar Ice cap.
Look at how the boundries resemble a foot. This was an ancient world empire.
Another Ancient world empire that scattered Israel then years later became a Government that made Christianity the main religion and then became a world religious leader with Popes as the virtual
seat of Peter the Apostle, Catholicism is responsible for the first missionary spreading of the Christian religion worldwide. God though is not a system recreated physically of man's rules and regulations and our interpretation of what God is and what God want's. God reveals himself to man in his heart and there is no man made church building that can contain that, this was taken care of 2000 years ago on the Cross.
First Greece had the world then Rome then Europe split and divided Spain France and England brought Christ as well as blessings from God this is now evident in the United States which brought forth
the Jews back to their homeland Israel which was taken back from the Turks by England and we will
protect Israel as by what God wishes for us to do as
his that are bearers of the birthright of Issac which is those that have had a rebirth a birth from above, first is the physical then as we are called
God makes himself aware to us by his son Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit which is our helper.
The expierience cannot be denied Jesus goes in and cleans you up in a split second, too bad we all fall back to our own old ways and forget but there are reminders everpresent.