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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one, click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

Without this knowledge of Good and Evil, we would be as babies.
God took away our birthright when our ancestors disobeyed in the garden, then he gave it to Noah, then Abraham, then Issac. Abraham's other son that he had with Haggai, Sarah's, maidservent; ISHMAEL and his Mother had to leave, Ishmael became Egypt,Syria,most of Islam and the middle east.
Issac is the father of Israel and he had twin son's
Esau and Jacob which had grabbed the heel of Esau coming out of the womb, Esau was hairy and red,
Esau had the birthright as the firstborn but Jacob and his mother wanted the birthright Esau traded it for some Lentil stew and bread so Jacob's mother tricked Issac into thinking Jacob was Esau so when Issac blessed w/birthright he did it to JACOB so then Esau was to be the fighter by the sword and protector of Jacob which is Israel. There are lost tribes of Israel 10 which have blended into I believe the western nations that are blessed by God from Christianity. Jesus Christ restored our birthright which was taken by Israel to restore Israel back to it's proper place on the Earth.
We also have Ishmael's decendants which are jealous of the blessings attacking both of us Israel and the
West which is primarily Europe and USA which stands for ESAU protectors of the nation of Israel given by God. Through Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father he is the one who presented his CUP or vessel or Body to God as a Holy Sacrifice to redeem man from the penalty of Sin, Jesus paid the price. He is the Theif of darkness.Today we have full evidence of this conflict of Jacob which is Israel(Jesus came from Jacob), Ishmael - Jacobs half Uncle which seeks to destroy Israel and Esau which is the Christian populated western nations that are protecting Israel and Jerusalem. We now witness to Israel about the way to God in the new testament because Israel gave back the birthright to Esau's children because they did not believe that Jesus was the Sacrificial Lamb that was provided yet they sacrificed him in mockery to God's ultimate purpose which is restoring man to
God the Father which he does out of Love for us as his children-learning and growing.The first is last and the last is first. Just watch as the world revolves around Jerusalem. Amen, Jim Karanikolaou..

An Owl appeared to my family 2 weeks before my grandmother passed away, my Grandfather was 1/4 Sioux Indian.
My family at Anne my sisters wedding.
I pray the Lord keep our family together and trusting in the Lord. We should always take seriously our blessings from God because he is the
giver and taker of all things.

My sister Anne and my Neice Lisa. Anne and Tom's little girl.
Lord please bless my family and keep us bound together by your Word and Holy Spirit.
Computer Repair
A Painting at California Adventure Hotel.