ELINE Electronic Devices
24811 Lobo Dr.
Lake Forest, Ca. 92630

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Electroline Customizing Electronic design and device adaptation
in the use of multi unit incorporation
for commercial or private applications.
Component level design in the use of Electronic and Mechanical construction, special use of planned systems integration. Individualized machines created for single use or multi-level situations.
Schematics and Blueprints of systems of similar design can be very beneficial in the course of the project completion time frame.
There are many systems with limited functions that are not always compatible with each other, the inclusion of a variety of special circuitry and
creative enclosure design along with small screen displays and appropriate placement of adjustments included within the packaging. Many companies model their instruments after popular products to fit within their design structure. This provides a secure environment to ensure purchasers for their product.

Inline Integrated Circuit Heaters. Perform live circuit heat tests on IC's with zero insertion
force IC holders customized with an aluminum heater
surface and Nichrome heating element with Type J thermocouple.